Watch Now: Monetizing the Connected Car Experience

The connected-car entertainment revolution is changing the way we think about the in-car digital monetization landscape. Although there’s great potential for more personally branded and “lean-back” experiences, the development of monetization opportunities has fallen by the side of the road.

Tune in to this impactful video to gain true insights into the connected-car experience – and how you can take advantage of the automotive content revolution.

Xperi’s SVP of DTS AutoStage, Bob Dillon, explores both the unique in-car environment and the best opportunities for monetization.

“The question,” Dillon asks, “is how can we, from a UX perspective, do it in a way that accrues maximum value to the OEM brand, is accepted by the end users, and is relevant to the automotive media experience?”

Spearheading a unified, personalized content-first approach, DTS AutoStage drives value to OEMS with UX-driven opportunities that can include:

  • Inserted audio advertising
  • Sponsored discovery
  • Subscriptions
  • Subscription Bounties
  • User Metrics

Get ahead of the in-car entertainment curve and watch now.



Xperi at NAB Show 2024


Every year, tens of thousands of broadcast, media and entertainment professionals attend the NAB Show in Las Vegas looking for partners and products to help…

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