DTS Gives Back

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019, DTS hosted a private screening of Jumanji: The Next Level at the Pacific Theatres – The Grove. To celebrate the holiday season and in the spirit of giving back, DTS partnered with Create Now, an organization that serves children and young adults from ages 3 to 24 through arts programs in music, fashion, writing, performance, visual arts, digital media and culinary arts. Create Now reaches at-risk children from low-income families and focus on homeless and foster youth who have faced abuse and neglect or been orphaned, and those kids dealing with homelessness, incarceration and similar challenges.

The evening was filled with prizes, swag bags and photo opps. We’d like to thank those charitable organizations that came out for a fun-filled night:

  • Optimist Youth Homes
  • Pacific Lodge Youth Services
  • Angels Flight Shelter
  • Penny Lane Centers
  • Dimondale Adolescent Care
  • The Childrens’ Lifesaving Foundation
  • The Academy Project
  • Wellnest
  • Boys and Girls from Watts Imperial Courts Housing Development

We also want to extend a huge thank you to Laura Kelly, Director of Programs at Create Now and Brandon Johnson, the Board Chair at Create Now, and our amazing DTS family that came out to support.

Jumanji stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart and Karen Gillan, and hits theaters on December 13, 2019.

To learn more about Create Now and how you can help, visit: https://www.createnow.org/

