Xperi at Radiodays Europe 2024

This March we arrived in Munich for Radiodays Europe (RDE), a key annual European conference for the radio, podcast and audio industries. Every year the event is held in a different host city and attracts over 1300 participants from 65 countries from both private and public radio stations, podcasters and audio professionals from a variety of industries.

The event theme was Shaping the Changing Audio Landscape and in this time of change Radiodays Europe brings the industry together and leads the development as the most innovative and creative initiatives in the radio and audio world.


Xperi’s exhibit area included a stand with meeting spaces and two vehicles, a BMW iX2 and Tesla Model Y, where we showcased our automotive media platform DTS AutoStage, alongside solutions from All in Media that are transforming the radio and automotive entertainment experience by bringing high-quality multimedia and personalisation to the connected car, just like at home.

Our expert Joe D’Angelo, senior vice president of broadcast radio and digital audio, had an insightful diverse panel session with Jim Receveur, chief exectutive officer at  Bauer Media,  Rudiger Landgraf, chief digital officer at Kronehit, Iris Rothkirch, product owner for connected radio feature at BMW, and  Kai-Michael Gutjahr, product manager audio entertainment at BMW about Radio’s Future in the Connected Car – Your station, the digital dashboard and your audience.

It was an in-depth discussion about the importance of broadcast radio in today’s connected cars, different challenges and opportunities and how DTS AutoStage is helping to address some of those challenges by delivering a global solution for broadcasters, automakers and audiences around the world.

Radio is no longer a simple broadcast one-to-one medium that lives alone in the dash” Joe D’Angelo said,” but it is a technology now that has to compete for prominence channel control, it has to be integrated with very complex multimedia system.” 

Joe closed the panel summarising that the sense of the strength of this collaboration between BMW, Bauer Media, Kronehit and Xperi is that “we are really working together to enhance radio, to keep radio prominent in the dashboard, make sure radio is discoverable, engaging and most importantly measurable.”

If you missed this session live you can watch the video recording here:

If you have any questions contact us at  getconnected.emea@xperi.com.

This event was a great success and we are looking forward to the next year!

